Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New protagonists

AgentHH, Danopato, and Notafraud have all appeared.  Hopefully they don’t get eaten by a grue.

Quorum rises to 10.

On a related note, do any of the oldtimers know if I just ran the shortest dyansty ever?


Angry Grasshopper:

14-12-2005 19:01:32 UTC

No, I think that
<a >The Thing Dynasty</a> was pretty short, if I remember my history.

“The Third Dynasty of Kevan
6th January - 12th January 2004”

Angry Grasshopper:

14-12-2005 19:02:02 UTC

Elias IX:

14-12-2005 19:44:32 UTC

woohoo, 19 nomic players, and without having to resort to good, evil, and strange pseudo-players.


14-12-2005 20:20:58 UTC

anthony’s was also shorter than yours


14-12-2005 21:18:38 UTC

Also, I’d like to hear a explanation of why Saurik and Salamander have the same IP address.


14-12-2005 21:55:48 UTC

seconding rodney’s ip request.

Angry Grasshopper:

14-12-2005 22:06:11 UTC

Family perhaps?


15-12-2005 00:18:48 UTC

I live with someone who may be interested in joining up once I tell em that the theme is “text adventure.”  We only have one computer and would be sharing it.  I understand if some of you would be suspicious, but I hope it would be allowed; we would avoid excessive cooperation (I daresay we may even be especially competitive with each other).


15-12-2005 02:34:23 UTC

Rodney: that’s because they’re at the same location currently (AFAIK). They are in fact two separate entities, any telepathy notwithstanding.


15-12-2005 03:11:33 UTC

My name is Jay Freeman, Salamander’s is David Salamon. A few years ago, I graduated from the college (College of Creative Studies at UCSB) where David is currently attending and am getting my PhD, also at UCSB. He was at my apartment last night where we were both behind my wireless router, watching some incredibly bad Ninja movie ;P.


15-12-2005 07:01:36 UTC


We had issues once-upon-a-day with puppets: Anthony’s dynasty (mentioned above) being one case.  Aaron (now moonwryn) managed to run two people undetected for a long time, but eventually fessed up.


15-12-2005 18:00:14 UTC

And weren’t there those sockpuppets way back in the first 4 or so dynasties?