Next Game.
Alright, so we finish the Gostak Metadynasty (or the Absurdist Metadynasty, if you prefer that). I hadn’t seriously intended the Declaration of Vicory to pass, but if the sentiment is there an isomorphic Declaration of Victory would pass, too, so…
What I mean to say is that I didn’t really have an Ascension Address to post today, so I’ll have to come up with one. I have two or three ideas for a theme, and need to think over them for a day. I was thinking something loosely along literary lines, say Umberto Eco’s
Name of the Rose(if you’ve read it), but not entirely decided yet. The book is a murder mystery set in a 14th century monastery—I’m not so fixed on the setting, but I thought a mystery dynasty might be interesting. If you have any ideas to share I’ll be off and on #Nomic for the rest of the day / hiatus, whichever ends first.
Also I think that I will veto all of the pending proposals except for Bucky’s request for admin status, which should be decided by the participating players. If you haven’t yet voted on that proposal, figure out how you want to vote.
How about a funk dynasty?
If the book is anything like the movie, a Name of the Rose dynasty would be pretty boring, I’m just sayin’zall… I’d still play though.