Proposal: Nine to Five
self killed—Clucky
Adminned at 18 Aug 2021 02:12:44 UTC
Remove “The amount of Energy a Worker has is publicly tracked, and defaults to 2.” from “Energy Cycles”.
Add two new paragraphs at the start of “Energy Cycles”:
Each Worker has an amount of Energy, a publicly tracked non-negative integer that defaults to 2.
Each Worker, except for Bots, can be Clocked In or Clocked Out (by default, they are Clocked In). This status is tracked by appending an asterisk to the Energy of Clocked Out Workers on the dynastic tracking page. Clocked Out Workers cannot perform actions that are defined by the rule “Machines”, by subrules of that rule, or by the rule “Clientele”. A Worker can set themself to be Clocked Out at any time.
Each Worker keeps the same amount of Energy they had before the above changes were performed.
in “Energy Cycles”, change the paragraph that starts “The last Cycle action is publicly tracked for convenience” to read:
If it has been 60 hours since the last Cycle, or if all non-Bot Workers without Dustsheets are Clocked Out, any Worker may perform an Atomic Action named “Cycle” with the following steps:
In “Clientele”, change
Once per Cycle, a Worker can Submit a Report:
A Worker who is Clocked In can Submit a Report:
set all of their Machines to Hot.
become Clocked Out.
A different take on a) timing, and b) report submission – instead of tying it to whether the worker has any Hot Machines, have a “done” flag that the Worker can set to say that they want to take no further actions.
This avoids the negative side effects of “Cold Reboot” whilst still preventing players submitting reports mid-turn, and means that the last player to go doesn’t need to perform all their actions in the same wiki update.
The last replacement is a little awkwardly worded, so that it will work regardless of whether Wish List passes or fails.
The rule should specify whether the asterisk means In or Out.