Saturday, March 27, 2021

Nineteenth Game: Pokes vs Clucky

Pokes is the starting player. The Grand Canal is the Knight of Cups. The Bersaglio is 33. All six Tricks are active.

(The Environment)


Brendan: he/him

27-03-2021 18:22:42 UTC

I declare myself Bookmaker.


27-03-2021 18:37:55 UTC

I play the 9 of Batons.

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 18:56:16 UTC

I play the Knight of Batons


27-03-2021 19:08:46 UTC

I play the 10 of Coins

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 19:11:01 UTC

I play the Knave of Cups


27-03-2021 19:17:29 UTC

I play the Knight of Coins

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 19:21:15 UTC

I play the Ten of Batons. My pocket totals 33, your pocket totals 31, so I score both L’Aria and Il Toro for a total of 5 points.

Josh: he/they

27-03-2021 19:22:52 UTC

I’m betting on Clucky. The Juice is 3.


27-03-2021 19:23:30 UTC

I play the Knave of Batons and score 4 for il Toro.

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 19:25:59 UTC

I use my Arlecchino mask to replay the Knight of Batons, scoring another Il Toro for 4 points, putting my total points to 9.


27-03-2021 19:41:13 UTC

I play the 10 of Cups, claim il Toro for 4, putting me at 8.

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 19:44:20 UTC

I play the King of Batons, giving me Il Propore and L’Aria for 3 more points, putting me at 12.


27-03-2021 19:52:29 UTC

I arlecchino-play the Knight of Coins again, claim 4 points for il Toro again, putting me also at 12.

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 19:56:10 UTC

I play Lightning, treating it as another Baton, allowing me to score Il Propore for 2 more points, putting me at 14.


27-03-2021 20:00:57 UTC



27-03-2021 20:01:30 UTC

Wait, fff

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 20:01:56 UTC

*crosses fingers*


Not gonna bluff your way out of this one XD


27-03-2021 20:24:56 UTC

I play the Knave of Swords, scoring 4 for another il Toro. I’m at 16.

Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 20:26:43 UTC


Clucky: he/him

27-03-2021 20:29:27 UTC

okay who wants to drop some bets on Pokes and then pay me stuff to not make my final play until after Brendan’s proposal passes

Josh: he/they

27-03-2021 20:32:06 UTC

Clucky you had one job

Lulu: she/her

28-03-2021 20:13:39 UTC

I bet on Pokes.  Juice is now 1.

Clucky: he/him

28-03-2021 23:08:17 UTC

I play a Devil

Kevan: he/him

29-03-2021 09:33:23 UTC

Game ends with a Fine: Pokes did not have the Knave of Swords in their hand. Clucky wins 1 Peg and 1 Magistrelli, Pokes loses 1 Peg.

Kevan: he/him

29-03-2021 15:35:24 UTC

Correction: 2 Pegs/Magistrelli rather than 1, with the Sfida.