Proposal: Ninety-Five
Times out 4-2 with 1 unresolved DEF and is enacted -SingularByte
Adminned at 01 Apr 2022 14:39:20 UTC
Add a new rule, called Theses:
Each Researcher has a Thesis, which is a text string that defaults to blank. At any time, a Researcher may change their Thesis to a sha256 hash that contains at least 5 possible outputs of Probulator Functions, as well as up to three words that do not appear in the ruleset (and which are flavour text) as salt.
Any Researcher who has a Blobber Quantity of at least five, who has had a Thesis that has been unchanged for at least a week, and whose Thesis in plaintext has the same contents as their Blobber Imprints, has achieved Victory
SingularByte: he/him
Might this benefit from an explanation in flavour text written into the rule for how to hash text with a salt? Or would the assumption be that anyone who doesn’t know can just ask in the discord?