Proposal: No boxing out
Reaches Quorum and Passes 6-0 -RaichuKFM
Adminned at 31 May 2013 09:20:59 UTC
In the rule “Tournaments” replace “Once per time advancement, any noble may start a tournament if one is not already in progress” with “At any time, a noble may start a tournament”
In the rule “Monarchy” after “The Crown for at least three consecutive Advancements of Time” add ” (and all of the time in-between those Advancements of Time)”
There is currently this issue where nobles with the crown *must* host tournaments, but someone else could host a tournament before they get to and suddenly they’ve performed an outrageous action. this makes it a lot harder to keep the crown.
The second half is plugging a loophole. It certainly wouldn’t be the easiest to exploit, but I’d rather clean it up than risk it getting exploited.
RaichuKFM: she/her