Monday, August 09, 2010

Proposal: No elephants allowed

Timed out 7 votes to 7. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 Aug 2010 08:37:33 UTC

Add a new red rule entitled “Identification”, with text as follows:

As soon as possible (but no more than once, unless stated otherwise by an enacted proposal, CFJ, or the ruleset) the High-Programmer shall secretly send every member of a group (as designated in rule 2.2.2 We Are Not Alone) a Private Message containing the identity of one other member of that group, if there are any other members, and if there are not, the PM shall make it clear as such.

Rule 2.2.2 notwithstanding, groups’ missions are located in a wiki document (the “Mission Document”) located at the following URL:
The Mission Document may not be modified except as explicitly stated in the ruleset.

Add a red rule as a subrule to Identification, and call it “Conspiracy”:

Any member of a group may send the High-Programmer a mission request in a PM. The mission request should contain a mission as laid out by rule 2.2.2. If the High-Programmer desires, he may make modifications to the mission request, and if he desires, he may add it to the Mission Document under the subsection for the group to which that member belongs. Upon its addition, it becomes a mission.

Add a red rule as a subrule to Identification, and call it “Executive Orders”:

The High-Programmer may add missions to the Mission Document as he wishes.

Pretty much a straight reproposal, without elephants. In Agora elephants would’ve passed :mad:



09-08-2010 16:34:20 UTC



09-08-2010 16:37:22 UTC


Kevan: he/him

09-08-2010 17:20:51 UTC

against I’m not finding the secret groups very compelling.

Continuing the truncated conversation in the other thread where Ienpw argued that “the gamestate is modified such that it modifies itself in the future”: gamestate is just “any information which the Ruleset regulates the alteration of”, and it can “only be altered in manners specified by the Ruleset”. Gamestate doesn’t have any legal power to directly modify itself, the ruleset or other gamestate.


09-08-2010 17:46:01 UTC

CoV against because of this.


09-08-2010 17:54:19 UTC

imperial  Too long to read, but Kevan, isn’t the ruleset itself gamestate?


09-08-2010 18:01:50 UTC

against .  I do not want the High-Programmer to be authorized to modify PMs.

Kevan: he/him

09-08-2010 18:06:39 UTC

[Darth] Sure. But Ienpw seems to be arguing that a clause of “three weeks after this proposal enacts, change ‘Elephant’ to ‘Zebra’” would create a floating chunk of non-ruleset gamestate that had the power to modify the ruleset at a later date, even though the proposal that created it was no longer pending. I’m not sure the rules would support such a chunk.

(I’m not sure what the Agora comment is supposed to mean. BlogNomic has different rules to Agora.)


09-08-2010 18:17:44 UTC

I think it’s a reference to the famous Walrus Scam. It got around a similar restriction to the treason one in Agora at the time by enacting a rule with a delayed effect (if I recall correctly, 1*10^-27 seconds after the rule was enacted, it did the effects). It was very controversial.

However, it did this by a rule, and not floating gamestate. Agoran convention does not accept floating gamestate in this form either, and it’s very close to a matter of law.


09-08-2010 18:27:06 UTC

We briefly had a bit of floating gamestate back in Angry Grasshopper’s first dynasty. It lead to naught but sorrow.

Also,  against

Darknight: he/him

09-08-2010 19:15:17 UTC


redtara: they/them

09-08-2010 19:28:20 UTC

Coppro: Kevan’s point no longer applies to this proposal - I removed the future clause.


10-08-2010 03:09:52 UTC



10-08-2010 03:27:42 UTC

I don’t really know how to interpret this.


10-08-2010 04:56:19 UTC

(oops, that was a RoV, missed my first vote)


10-08-2010 19:12:53 UTC

CoV imperial


11-08-2010 11:35:02 UTC



11-08-2010 12:29:20 UTC

imperial only because Players who are still members should have an advantage.


11-08-2010 12:37:08 UTC



11-08-2010 12:49:38 UTC


ais523: Custodian

11-08-2010 15:33:52 UTC

against per Bucky