Proposal: No Monkey is an Island
Timed out alot. Passes. Clucky
Adminned at 19 Aug 2007 20:03:43 UTC
Reword the sentence of Rule 2.2 “Doing the Dance”:
Name: Soul Selling in Isle n_A; Complexity: 5; Description: Increase the number of bananas for the monkey in position n_A by five. Then change that monkeys status to in the barrel.
to read:
Name: Soul Selling in Aisle n_A; Complexity: 5; Description: Increase the number of bananas for the monkey in position n_A by five. Then change that monkeys status to in the barrel.
Change all instances of the phrase “Soul Selling in Isle” on the Monkey Dynasty Gamestate Documents wiki page to read “Soul Selling in Aisle” instead.
I’m sorry. It was sort of subtly aggravating.
Clucky: he/him
I think its funnier the other way. =P
But fine…