Thursday, December 12, 2019

No-One Gets Out Alive

NoOneImportant idles out after a week of inactivity. Quorum remains 4.



12-12-2019 15:27:30 UTC

Duke’s the exception. Most new people spend very little time in our group. Even if they’re past members, it would seem. The fancy takes them, momentarily. *sigh*


12-12-2019 15:41:38 UTC

I was actually one of those myself but I returned years later.

The Duke of Waltham: he/him

12-12-2019 23:25:32 UTC

Well, I can’t guarantee I won’t drift away myself, only to return a dynasty or five later… I am easily bored and tend to cycle through my various interests. I suppose I’ll need to experience more styles of gameplay before I have a good feel of how BlogNomic works and whether it really suits me, but as far as I can tell, I’ve found myself a new hobby.