Friday, January 24, 2025

Proposal: No Pressure

Withdrawn. Failed by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 25 Jan 2025 05:41:56 UTC

In the rule “Heists {I}”, after the text “If a rule defines an action as a Heist Action,” add the text ” and the last successful Heist Action by a Participant on the same Team was performed at least 4 hours ago or was Swift,”

It’s been hard to get everyone on a Team to be online at the same time to perform quick successive Heist Actions. That sort of pace was fun at first, but has been very wearing since the first few times. I don’t think many people have signed up for that sort of quick timing pace.

My first idea to solve this invovled queuing up orders in secret, but having the Mastermind essentially replay a queue of orders via the Dice Roller really changes the core mechanics of this dynasty and felt too complex of a change, so I abandoned it for something more straightforward.

I won’t be surprised if adding in this artificial 4-hour delay is too much, but I don’t know how else to prevent the Teams from trying to outplay each other via near-live timing battles of Heist Actions. Other suggestions welcome.


Brendan: he/him

24-01-2025 14:37:25 UTC

I think a four-hour lockout after succeeding at a Heist Action would accomplish your goal with less frustration. I like this.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 14:45:43 UTC

Good idea, changed.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 14:49:27 UTC

I also added a bypass of the lockout if the previous Heist Action succeeded and was Swift. If a Participant executed a Swift Heist Action, they are likely prepared to follow it up with another Heist Action right away.


24-01-2025 15:03:29 UTC

For what it’s worth, my initial plan to avoid this issue was for players to just rapid-fire post dice roller comments within the space of a few seconds and update the ruleset afterwards, but that requires enough detail in the comments to know the details of the action that’s being taken, and people understandably haven’t been doing that to avoid giving away their plans if it fails (and it also requires being simultaneously online).

I am not convinced that a 4-hour delay is a perfect solution to the problem, though. Suppose you want to take three actions without being interrupted; depending on how the teams are distributed, it’s quite plausible that you could find an 8-hour timespan when the other team is asleep and just do the three actions “without interruption”. I used to do this sort of thing with daily actions quite frequently, and ended up posting a rant about how obnoxious it was. (That said, I do admire the fact that you’re looking for solutions.)

Would enabling the Virtual Actions building block be enough to fix things? That’s a pre-existing block for handling “a Mastermind queues up Participant’s actions” that already has most of the corner cases worked out (and it’d work interestingly differently from normal this dynasty due to the scope for a Mastermind to intentionally delay, in cahoots with the Participant who submitted it).

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 15:33:31 UTC

Hm, maybe that would work. The issue for me is that I really like the simplicity of the DICE48 mechanism, but if the Participant’s Actions are queued up, what do we use as the basis for comparing those actions to X? Or does X become whenever the Mastermind executes those queued-up actions? I think you’re suggesting the latter since you mentioned “intentionally delay”.

Let me give it a try and write up a competing Proposal (competing with myself!), and then let it get settled via votes.


24-01-2025 15:34:53 UTC

The Virtual Actions block states that the time of the action is the time that a Mastermind performs it, so that would presumably compare the DICE48 to the time at which it’s actually performed.

JonathanDark: he/him

24-01-2025 15:56:34 UTC

Agreed. I have an alternate Proposal up now. I don’t mind using both of my slots for this, since I don’t currently have any other ideas to put forward. I kinda like having both ideas up nearly at the same time, and let the votes determine the best one.

SingularByte: he/him

25-01-2025 02:44:37 UTC

against This massively favours teams with fewer changes to make when they already have a gigantic edge in the first place.


25-01-2025 03:00:51 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

25-01-2025 05:40:32 UTC

against Withdrawn in favor of SingularByte’s idea.