Proposal: No quiet awakenings
Passed: 15-8-3 - Amnistar
Adminned at 25 Oct 2011 13:48:02 UTC
Amend rule 1.2 by replacing
Admins may render an Artist Idle if that Artist has asked to become Idle in the last seven days or if that Artist has not posted an entry or comment in the last seven days. In the latter case, the Admin must announce the idling in a blog post.
Admins may render an Artist Idle or remove their Idle status (“de-idling”) if one or more of the following conditions are met:
- That Artist has made a blog post (an Idling Post) requesting this change in the last seven days;
- That Artist has made a comment requesting this change on the most recent Idling Post, and that post was made in the last seven days;
- That Artist is the Admin themselves;
- That Artist has not posted an entry or comment in the last seven days, and the action to be performed is idling, not de-idling.
In the first three cases, the Admin must announce the change in either a comment on the relevant blog post (if they performed the change to themselves, then any Idling Post posted within the last seven days is considered relevant) or by making a new blog post; in the last case, it must be announced by the Admin in a new blog post. An Artist can only be de-idled if they did not go idle within the same dynasty in the previous four days, the previous conditions notwithstanding.
and removing
Admins may de-Idle an Artist at their request, and Idle Admins may de-idle themselves at any time, unless the idle Artist in question asked to become (or rendered themselves) Idle within the previous 4 days, and within the current dynasty.
If the Proposal “1, 2, 3, 5, Can I Have A Little More” has passed, amend rule 3.2 by replacing
No entry may be more than one of the following official types of post: Proposal, Call for Judgement, and Declaration of Victory.
No entry may be more than one of the following official types of post: Proposal, Call for Judgement, Declaration of Victory, and Idling Post.
If the dynastic rule 2.1 titled “Works of Art” exists, then amend it by replacing
Whenever an Artist posts a blog entry which is not a Proposal, Call for Judgment, Declaration of Victory or Ascension Address
Whenever an Artist posts a blog entry which is not a Proposal, Call for Judgment, Declaration of Victory, Ascension Address or Idling Post
Add to the glossary the following:
- Idling Post
- Any post within which an Artist requests to be idled or de-idled, or which is specifically designated as an idling post and nothing else.
Right now, anyone can send a carrier pigeon to an admin requesting to be de-idled, and then ten years later, an admin can perform that request silently. I know I didn’t notice a few de-idlings in the recent invasion until they actually voted, and imagine the case of someone voting and then being silently de-idled a minute later; we might never know, causing votes to be miscounted!
This doesn’t lead to a deluge of spam, since de-idlings at the start of a dynasty can be contained within the comments of one post.
I let admins announce idlings/de-idlings requested by comment in new blog post just in case a post gets locked for whatever reason; admins would be expected to apply discretion and use a comment wherever possible.
I allow idling posts to be created with no actual idling/deidling request so that one can be created, for example, at the start of a dynasty, to keep all de-idlings together.
This has unfortunately not gotten any less messy since the last draft! But this makes sure Idling Posts are a proper type of official post and the like. It’s not that bad, really. If “1, 2, 3, 5, Can I Have A Little More” passes, then this is unfortunately in conflict with the Drafts draft; apologies, I just didn’t want to make this any longer than it is. Hopefully this will be resolved before the Drafts draft becomes a proposal, anyway. :-)
Prince Anduril:
I’m going to vote
in the hope that I don’t see yet another version of this.