No sailing without ship
Append the following text to Rule Ships:
A Captain whose Ship has been sunken may not set er Location to any value other than Home Port, until e buys a new Ship.
Add this text at the end of Rule Treasure Maps:
If the same Treasure Map is claimed by two different Captains for any reason, the last person to claim the Treasure Map may challenge the first one to an Insult Swordfight. The winner of the Insult Sowrdfight becomes the owner of the Treasure Map. If no challenge to an Insult Swordfight is made, the first to claim the Treasure Map becomes the only owner.
Append this text to Rule Insult Swordfighting:
The winner of an Insult Swordfight may lower the loser’s Rank by one, as long as er Rank remains a legal value.
Just a couple of fixes. The first one is just to add common sense to the sinking your ship rule. The second one fixes the Proposal You are Here, but can stand on it’s own as an amendment even if that proposal does not pass. The third is to make something that can lower Ranks, and Insult Swordfighting is a good thing to encourage.