Friday, September 24, 2021

Proposal: No Skipping Floors

Unpopular at 1-9. redtara

Adminned at 26 Sep 2021 16:15:45 UTC

Enact a new rule entitled “Judgment Hall” as follows:

No Pending Call for Judgment that is less than 7 days old can be Popular unless it is the oldest Pending Call for Judgment.

I can anticipate CfJs being a mechanism for skirting the “proposals are the primary mechanic” theme of the dynasty, but if that’s true, then it would be handing Admins even more power than usual in terms of what gets enacted when.


Josh: he/they

24-09-2021 16:25:29 UTC

I am against this, as CfJs should remain a firebreak mechanism for when the game truly breaks. I’d be more up for allowing the Emperor to veto CfJs under defined circumstances, or just enforcing the social expectation that they get voted down when clearly being used to sidestep proposal limits.

Kevan: he/him

24-09-2021 16:44:04 UTC

Yeah, we’re usually pretty strong on voting down CfJs that could and should have been proposals, I think, and I’d certainly lead the charge on it.

We shouldn’t risk a genuinely urgent fix being delayed because someone happened to have made a contentious, unrelated CfJ a few hours earlier.

Brendan: he/him

24-09-2021 16:46:24 UTC

What’s a genuinely urgent fix, in this context?

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-09-2021 16:49:01 UTC

I’m ever so slightly hesitant that something could come up that would render a CfJ unpassable and lock the gamestate for 7 days.

There is a somewhat strong chance we back ourselves into a corner with what proposals can and cannot do this dynasty. CfJs will be an important tool to get is out. But I think the player base can be smart enough to not abuse CfJs and only use them for their real intended purposes not as a way to bypass proposal restrictions.

redtara: they/them

24-09-2021 16:51:17 UTC

Huh, I didn’t realise that the definition of popular could be overwritten by dynastic rules. So dynastic rules could easily (and accidentally) change the procedures for modifying the core rules. That seems…broken.

Kevan: he/him

24-09-2021 16:56:37 UTC

[Brendan] Everyone being locked out of proposing and game actions for some reason. I guess it would sharpen up voting on whatever the contentious queue-blocker was, though.

Would also flag that we have “If a Proposal somehow ends up being pending for more than 7 days, it is ignored for the purpose of calculating the oldest pending Proposal, and can be failed by any Admin.” to cover our backs if someone messed up a proposal enactment in 2007, but there’s no equivalent here. An ancient CfJ may still be pending somewhere to this day.

Josh: he/they

24-09-2021 16:57:36 UTC

We’ve had a couple of such breakages recently, including a spectacular car crash when a dynasty overwrote Victories and Ascension.

Brendan: he/him

24-09-2021 17:37:28 UTC

Fair point, Kevan, I’ve addressed that.

Clucky: Puzzle Master he/him

24-09-2021 21:21:08 UTC

7 days is still a long time. while sure its nice that this doesn’t cause us to accidentally perma lock the gamestate, I still feel like this adds a bunch of constraints to fix a problem that shouldn’t even exist because people shouldn’t be using CfJs as “a mechanism for skirting the “proposals are the primary mechanic” theme of the dynasty,” in the first place.

if that does happen, i’d rather take other steps to prevent it rather than wholesale changing how CfJs work.


Josh: he/they

24-09-2021 21:24:15 UTC

against per Clucky, Kevan and myself

Chiiika: she/her

24-09-2021 21:44:02 UTC

against there’s a few things that should be absolute, CfJs as a method to pick us out of any corners is one.

Will never support anything that limits a CfJ.

Lulu: she/her

25-09-2021 00:40:04 UTC


Snisbo: she/they

25-09-2021 02:07:44 UTC

against As per previous responses, I think leaving CfJs open for whatever we need is a much better option, I doubt they will pass if they’re trying to bypass the restrictions anyway

Kevan: he/him

25-09-2021 07:35:02 UTC


Darknight: he/him

25-09-2021 11:04:05 UTC



25-09-2021 11:15:22 UTC


Zack: he/him

25-09-2021 18:39:18 UTC

against I definitely think this would cause more problems than it solves