Does the java applet work for anyone else? It doesn’t function at all for me, and I think that it would be very useful, especially during this dynasty.
Does the java applet work for anyone else? It doesn’t function at all for me, and I think that it would be very useful, especially during this dynasty.
I’ve taken the IRC section out of the sidebar while it’s broken. For some reason commenting it out broke the rest of the template, so here’s the source, for future reference:-
<div><ul> <a href=“http://blognomic.com/images/irc/NormalApplet.html”>Blognomic.com IRC Channel (Java applet)</a><br> <div align=left><iframe width=“240” height=“120” src=“http://blognomic.com/images/irc/list/test.html” frameborder=“0”></iframe></div>Invisible clients (mode +i) will not appear above. Type ‘/mode nick -i’ to become visible.</ul></div>
Kevan: he/himIdle
It looks like we need a couple of MIME types setting up, that may have been lost when the server was upgraded. I’ll drop 75th Trombone an email about it.