Proposal: Nomic is Hard, Lets go Shopping
Unpopular after 48 hours at 6-6—redtara
Adminned at 26 Sep 2021 16:25:46 UTC
Add a new rule called “Victory” and give it the following text
A Citizen may only achieve Victory in this Dynasty as outlined by this Rule.
Proposals which modify this rule are never popular.
Add a new rule called “Real Estate” and give it the following text
Each Floor may contain between zero and three Lots. The names of a Lot that a Floor contains are publicly tracked but the fact that a certain Floor contains no Lots is not publicly tracked as it an be otherwise inferred.
Lots have a name, which is flavor text and can only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, an effect, and can be unique but defaults to not being unique. A unique lot may not be added to a Floor if it already is contained by another Floor. A Lots Effect applies to any Citizen which has a floor which contains that Lot
The list of available Lots are as follows (following the pattern “Name: Effect” for non-unique lots and “Name (Unique): Effect” for unique lots.
* Penthouse (Unique): Proposals which you author that modify the rule “Victory” can be popular despite the restrictions in that rule (as long as they meet the other definitions for popular found in the rest of the ruleset)
* High End Boutique: You may make a proposal if you already have 2 proposals pending or have already made 3 proposals today, but not if you already have 3 proposals pending or have already made 4 proposals today.
Add the Penthouse to Floor 64.
“Add the Penthosue to Floor 64.”
You misspelled pantyhose