Proposal: Non-proposal additions to the rules (and subtractions)
Timed out 3 votes to 9, 1 deferential. Failed by Kevan. -2 points to Excalabur.
Adminned at 13 Oct 2009 08:21:27 UTC
Add a new rule to the ruleset, entitled “Sandbox”, with the text
Sentences in subrules of this rule have no effect if they are incomplete or ungrammatical. Under no circumstances can a player claim victory due to this rule or its subrules. This rule overrides any of its subrules, even if they contain text to the contrary.
Create a subrule of “Sandbox” entitled “Sandcastle”
Add a new subrule to 2.1 Points entitled “Adding to the Sandcastle [5 Points]”, with the text
A player may add one word to the end of the rule “Sandbox”, and then optionally add up to one punctuation mark. Under no circumstances may a player add a word or punctuation mark which creates an ungrammatical sentence or makes it impossible for an incomplete sentence to be completed grammatically.
Add a new subrule to 2.1 Points entitled “Kicking over the Sandcastle [8 Points]” with the text
A player may, if there is an incomplete sentence in the rule “Sandbox”, delete one word from the end of an incomplete sentence in that rule.
Klisz: Idle