North is opposite of Victory
Hello fellow mobsters,
Hello worshiped Don,
Quite a lot have happened to me recently!
I robbed more banks than you guys could ever dreamed of;
I own the world’s biggest collection of stolen art;
I smuggled armaments under everyone’s nose, making me Public Enemy Number 1!
The police did caught me, though. I suspect I might have been snitched by those two guys…
But that’s OK, I broke out of prison! Used all firepower to blow an entire wall and steal a police car.
So here am I, the most wanted criminal - my heat almost hit 2 digits!
So I decided to show the police who was the boss.
You know that big event our Don was talking about?
It costed me no less than 40,000 Respect, 40,000 Firepower and 40,000 Wealth, but I did it! The police will not forget my name, I guarantee you.
(OK, it did cost a little less. 39,999 to be precise. But who counts?)
The police was so upset! Now they are more sharp and watchful than ever.
In fact, their Vigilance Number is up to 200 now, which is about as high as it could go.
However, before everyone bows before me, there is one last thing I need to say.
I am NOT the new Don in town.
Considering that I only got where I got with the help of about all those who didn’t care about winning;
Considering that I owed Southpointingchariot A LOT of ressources, according to our agreements when he watched out for me in the past, during those dark days where the police was chasing me from bank to bank;
Considering that Southpointingchariot is the only one who actually tried to play ais523’s dynasty, bargaining before any assisted action, making good-for-the-dynasty proposals and all that…
Well, let’s just say I think we are even now ;-)
You can check the GNDT and wait for his Declaration of Victory, for our New Don in Town is, with a Leadership of 1725…
Clucky: he/him
Technically your transfer of wealth to SPC was illegal because he was not in your former partner list.
That being said, you could’ve simply transfered it to me or OMD and it wouldn’t have changed anything so no need for complaints.