Sunday, May 28, 2006

Proposal: 1984?

Passed 6-2, enacted by Angry Grasshopper.

Adminned at 30 May 2006 13:09:34 UTC

Add a rule named “Van Halen”:

Any Monk may Jump by posting notice to the Blognomic home page. If all Monks Jump within a ten minute period,  Elias IX shall change the color scheme of the Blognomic web site to orange and blue within the next 48 hours. If e doesn’t do this, then e is not allowed to make a DoV during this dynasty.


Hix: Idle

28-05-2006 20:29:37 UTC


Bucky: Idle

28-05-2006 20:44:43 UTC

I think the wording “The Monk named Elias IX” should be used.

Plus, I just don’t like the proposed possible color scheme.

Purplebeard: Idle

28-05-2006 20:47:45 UTC

imperial It’s fairly impossible for all of us to jump at the same time since we’re in different timezones.

Lex10: Idle

29-05-2006 01:21:20 UTC

Awright, that’s it. This rule is too silly. I’ve warned you. I’m going to have to shut it down!  against

Angry Grasshopper: Idle

29-05-2006 02:44:55 UTC


Party like it’s… 1399?

Elias IX: Idle

29-05-2006 15:47:02 UTC

for... but this rule isn’t silly!

But he said, I am not mad, most noble Festus; but speak forth the words of truth and soberness.

Acts 26:25

Bucky: Idle

29-05-2006 16:07:50 UTC

“Any Monk may Jump by posting notice to the Blognomic home page…  If e doesn’t do this, then e is not allowed to make a DoV during this dynasty.”

Angry Grasshopper: Idle

29-05-2006 16:36:02 UTC

I think that the “e” in that last clause refers to Elias IX. Anyone else?

Bucky: Idle

29-05-2006 16:38:55 UTC

I think it’s just a poor choice of wording.

Elias IX: Idle

29-05-2006 22:57:33 UTC

Well, I thought it would be obvious that the “e” would refer to Elias IX.

If I wanted the “e” to refer to “Any Monk”, I’d put those two sentences next to each other, no?

So… I think it’s a great choice of wording.

Purplebeard: Idle

30-05-2006 08:00:53 UTC

imperial Blessings for the rule title. (I hadn’t noticed it before)