Not a Proposal: Destroy Highways
In the rule “Highway”, replace the text “A Highway Route has a Scouting Cost of 5” with “A Highway Route has a Scouting Cost of 12”.
To every Highway Route in every Driver’s pool, give the punctuation ‘?’.
In the rule “Highway”, replace the text “When a Driver Drives a Highway Route, that Driver earns 1 Cash and may make one of the first three Inactive Routes in their pool become Active.” with:
When a Driver Drives a Highway Route, if that Route doesn’t have the punctuation ‘?’, that Driver earns 1 Cash and may make one of the first three Inactive Routes in their pool become Active. Highway Routes with the punctuation ‘?’ don’t have any effect when Driven.
Create a new subrule to the rule “Highway”. Name it “Too cheap” and give it the text:
At any time between XXXX, 00:00:00 UTC and YYYY, 00:00:00 UTC, any Driver who has a Highway Route marked with ‘?’ in their pool may replace that Route by any Route which Scouting Cost is 6 or lower, other than a Highway Route. The resulting Route is respectively Active, Inactive or Blocked if the Highway Route was Active, Inactive or Blocked.
At any time after YYYY, 00:00:00 UTC, if a Driver has in their pool a Highway Route marked with a ‘?’, any Admin may remove that Route from that Driver’s pool.
At any time after YYYY, 00:00:00 UTC, if no Driver has in their pool a Highway Route marked with a ‘?’, any Admin may remove the text “if that Route doesn’t have the punctuation ‘?’, ” and the text ” Highway Routes with the punctuation ‘?’ don’t have any effect when Driven.” from the rule “Highway”, and repeal the subrule “Too cheap”. If an Admin does so he must announce it by making a post making the change clear.
In the subrule “Too cheap” of the rule “Highway”, replace all occurrences of “XXXX” by the date x at which this Proposal was enacted, in a day/month/year format.
In the subrule “Too cheap” of the rule “Highway”, replace all occurrences of “YYYY” by the date y in a day/month/year format, so that there are exactly seven days between x, 00:00:00 UTC and y, 00:00:00 UTC.
A self-repealing rule! I am not gonna make this Proposal. But I could vote for it if you did.
(edited to add “remove the ‘?’ part on the rule Highway” to the self-repealing bit: this is not an official post, so it’s okay, right?)
ais523: Mastermind
Kind-of skewed, unless you let people replace two Highway routes with an Airport route, as that’d be the typical choice on 10 Cash.