Saturday, October 22, 2011

Note for those not on IRC

Since it’s indeterminate how many past CfJs were posted, not realised to be illegal, and then later passed, Pavitra is currently working on a proposal to make sure the ruleset and list of players is what we think it is.

(Also, reposting a fixed spring clean CfJ is unnecessary, since the queue is much smaller than we thought it was anyway.)



22-10-2011 21:35:32 UTC

Also, as I mentioned at, flavour text does _not_ make proposals legal, no matter what it describes; from the point of view of the rules, it simply doesn’t exist:

<Hix> scratch that, flavour text is specifically “not part of the post”

Roujo: he/him

22-10-2011 21:36:00 UTC

Also, for those not in IRC, I invite you to join us there if you have the time. A lot of discussion happens there, and it’s real-time instead of post-by-post. =)


22-10-2011 21:36:22 UTC

IRC is a more suitable medium than blogs for BlogNomic at the pace it’s going right now…


22-10-2011 21:37:36 UTC

Ah, good catch on flavor text. My mistake.


22-10-2011 21:44:54 UTC

Whoa there, Ornithopter. Why are you failing proposals as Works of Art?

ais523: Mastermind

22-10-2011 21:46:37 UTC

Hey, why are you locking posts that aren’t CFJs, when they turn out not to be CFJs? People might want to arrow them.


22-10-2011 21:48:23 UTC

They are in the CFJ category but violate a rule. They are CFJs and illegal.

Now, why illegality and resolution in general auto-locks threads is kind of weird and should possibly be removed, but that is not gamestate in any case.


22-10-2011 21:48:35 UTC

coppro: Where?


22-10-2011 21:49:46 UTC

Oh wait, I see. They were illegal since they were made before enactment of Kevan’s fix, but were left open pending the ratification CFJ.

Good catch, Ornithopter.


22-10-2011 21:50:56 UTC

One last reminder to everyone that Proposals are FIFO and so we need everyone to vote; also make sure to vote on if you want to hang around


22-10-2011 22:12:01 UTC

Kevan’s applet is not working for me. What’s the server/channel to join with MIrc?



22-10-2011 22:14:33 UTC #nomic


22-10-2011 22:15:20 UTC #nomic


22-10-2011 22:16:41 UTC

Thanks. Found it.