Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Proposal: notes

Fewer than a quorum not voting against, failed 1-6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Sep 2018 07:57:00 UTC

Add the following action to the lifetime action list

Steal: Choose Br or Sp, notated by Ch henceforth, and another Ape with at least 1 Food, notated Oape. X = Ch#you + Ch#Oape + 1. Roll a DICEX and set Y equal to that result. If Y ≤ Ch#you then Oape(food,Y)>you; otherwise if (food)you > 0 then you(food,(Y - Ch#you))>Oape.

Create a new rule called “Notation and Text Transformations” with the text

“Z#APE”, where Z is a comma delinated list of genes and APE is a valid reference to an Ape or Apes in the context of the rule, using parenthesis if such a reference requires multipule words, is equivalent to “the number of genes that APE has which are in the following list Z”
“(W)APE”, where W is a numeric variable that an Ape has and APE is a valid reference to an Ape or Apes in the context of the rule, is equivalent to “the number of W that APE has”
“APE1(X,Y)>APE2”, where APE1 and APE2 are both valid references to different singular Apes in the context of the rule, X is a numeric variable that an Ape has and Y is a positive number or an expression that evaluates to a positive result, is equivalent to “if Y is greater than (X)APE1, transfer (X)APE1 X from APE1 to APE2, otherwise transfer Y X from APE1 to APE2.”
“X += Y”, where X is a numeric variable and Y is a number or expression which evaluates to a number, is equivalent to “X set to X plus Y”
“X -= Y”, where X is a numeric variable and Y is a number or expression which evaluates to a number, is equivalent to “X set to X minus Y”

Append to the second sentence of “Apes”

LA can be negative when calculated in the New Generation Event.

If the author has left a comment consisting of just the text “only SOME notation”, don’t enact the rest of the proposal.

Change “For each Tradition in the Culture whose Complexity is higher than the Intellect of every Ape, remove that Tradition from the Culture.” to

For each Tradition in the Culture whose Complexity is > In#(all Apes), remove that Tradition from the Culture.

Change “An Ape’s Intellect is the number of Intelligence genes that they have.” to

An Ape’s Intellect is In#(that Ape).

Change “For each Ape, Increase their LA by 1 for each Speed gene they have. Decrease it by 1 for each Deformed gene they have. After this, if their LA is less than 1, set it to 1. ” to

For each Ape, (LA)Ape += Sp#Ape. (LA)Ape -= De#Ape. If (LA)Ape < 1 then (LA)Ape = 1.
Change “Roll DICEX, where X is 3+(the number of Brawn genes this Ape has) – Gain one less Food than the result.” to
Roll DICE(3+(Br#you)) – (food)you += (the result - 1)
Change “Forage: Gain 1 Food.” to
Forage: (food)you += 1.
Change “Share: Lose one or more Food to have another Ape gain the same amount of Food.” to
Share: Transfer one or more food to another Ape.

I was thinking of introducting some sort of sneaking gene for this but it didn’t really make logical sense. I started writing the Steal action and looked like a Shakespearian rendition of a chess game, hence the notation rule. We’ve introduced those from time to time but most heavily from my recollection in derrick’s dynasty.

chess comment link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_notation#History

Here’s what steal would’ve looked like without the new or mathematical notation.
Steal: Choose Br or Sp, notated by Ch henceforth, and another Ape with at least 1 Food, notated Oape. X equals the number of Ch genes you have plus the number of Ch genes Oape has plus 1. Roll a DICEX and set Y equal to that result. If Y is less than or equal to the number of Ch genes you have then if Y is greater than the food Oape has, transfar all of Oape’s food to you, otherwise transfer Y food from Oape to you; otherwise subtract the number of Ch genes you have from Y. Transfer any positive amount of food you have to Oape if you have less than Y food, but if your food amounts to more than Y, just transfer Y food to Oape.


derrick: he/him

04-09-2018 12:27:54 UTC

ug. I like math, and I like coding, but this seems to take worst habits from both. If you want keywords, that’s fine, but make them actual words.

derrick: he/him

04-09-2018 17:50:20 UTC



04-09-2018 18:06:00 UTC



04-09-2018 19:33:29 UTC


Kevan: he/him

04-09-2018 21:32:40 UTC

against Would be fun to try a programming dynasty some time, but this doesn’t seem like the time.

Lulu: she/her

05-09-2018 01:16:48 UTC


Josh: Mastermind he/they

05-09-2018 10:56:45 UTC
