Thursday, December 22, 2022

Proposal: Nothing Lasts Forever

Quorums 7-0. — Quirck

Adminned at 23 Dec 2022 15:54:56 UTC

If the Proposal “Piece It Together” is not enacted, this Proposal has no effect.

Add a subrule titled “Summoning Attempt” to the rule “Explorer Actions”. Give it the following text:

As the last step of an Explorer performing a Summoning Attempt, 1 Fragment is removed from the performing Explorer and added to a Room randomly chosen by the Narrator’s private dice roll

In the Proposal “Piece It Together”, once an Explorer has 3 or more Fragments, they can keep trying a Summon Attempt every turn until they achieve Victory, which makes the Victory inevitable. If more than one Explorer has 3 Fragments and they all try a Summon Attempt every turn, it makes Victory impossible. This change shakes it up a bit so that no one Explorer has a monopoly on achieving or preventing Victory for very long.



22-12-2022 20:52:19 UTC

for  but we should change how disruption works to compensate.

JonathanDark: he/him

22-12-2022 21:04:46 UTC

Maybe requiring an Explorer to hold a Fragment in order to try a Disruption, and have a similar mechanism for them to lose the Fragment on the attempt?

Brendan: he/him

22-12-2022 21:28:57 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

23-12-2022 08:00:03 UTC

If local disruptions also go in, then for

quirck: he/him

23-12-2022 08:09:03 UTC


Kevan: he/him

23-12-2022 11:58:49 UTC


Darknight: he/him

23-12-2022 15:41:53 UTC
