Proposal: Objections
Timed out 7 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 02 Sep 2011 07:27:21 UTC
Add a new rule, called “Using Items in the Most Creative Ways”:
As a daily action, a Survivor may make an Idea post (a Story post containing “Eureka!” in the Title), describing the functions of one Items (or more combined) and proposing a gamestate effect related to this. The Capitain should then decide if that’s a realistic usage of the Item(s) and if the gamestate effect is fair enough for the other Survivors. If he thinks it is, he should Vote FOR that Idea Post. If an Idea Post has been posted for more than 24 hours, it is considered to be closed.
Any Survivor may Vote on an Idea Post.
A closed Idea Post may have Passed or not.
When closing, and Idea Post Passes exclusively if at that time:
* The Captain voted FOR it, and there are less than a Quorum and a half (rounded down) of AGAINST votes on it.
* The Captain did not cast a Vote on it, and there is a Quorum of FOR Votes on it.
When an Idea Post about some Items Passes, the gamestate effect related to those Items shall be listed in the “Ideas” wiki page, and start applying effectively to the gamestate.
I made easy to make interesting powerful Items since I like creativity.
Changes I want to make in my next proposals:
* Making food supplies limited.
* Allowing unlimited Items transactions.
I like the idea of Items doing things, but I’m not clear on how Idea posts would differ significantly from Proposals?