Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Proposal: Objects in the mirror v2

Timed out, self-killed, failed. This proposal has it all. Josh

Adminned at 22 Jan 2010 01:39:30 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule titled “Inventory” as follows:

There exist certain Items in the Manor. An Item may be hidden in some room in the Manor or it may be possessed by a Guest. A Guest can possess multiple Items but a particular Item can only be possessed by one Guest or be hidden in a room. The Executor privately tracks the Locations of any hidden Items and the possession of Items by Guests.

Add a subrule to the rule “Inventory” titled “Searching”

As a daily action a Guest may Search their current Location by sending a private message to the Executor. The Executor shall roll a DICEX where X = 2 if the Guest is alone in that room and X=4 otherwise. If it rolls 1 then the Guest is granted possession of these Items and informed privately as such.  If the dice does not role 1 or if there are no hidden Items in that location the Executor shall simply inform the Guest that their search was unsuccessful.

Add a subrule to the rule “Inventory” titled “Hiding Items”

A Guest may choose to Hide an Item by informing the Executor. The Executor shall remove the Item from the possession of the Guest and hide it in the Location that the Guest is currently in. Additionally if the Lights are On and the Guest is not alone in their Location, the Executor may roll a DICE4 and if it rolls 1 inform all other non-Dormant Guests in the same room that an Item was hidden in this Location.

Add a subrule to the rule “Inventory” titled “Valid Items”

  The following Items exist in the Manor:

  • Torch: If a Guest possesses the Torch and if a Dark Action occurs in their present Location the Executor shall inform them of the Action that occurred.
  • Lantern: This has the same effect as the Torch.
  • Vial of Poison: This is the poison used to murder Lord Cartlesham.
  • Revolver: The Revolver is initially possessed by the Detective.
  • Matchbox: Just a regular matchbox.
  • Lord Cartlesham’s diary: If a Guest gains possession of the diary then the Executor may inform the Guest the name of a Guest who has a lower degree of relation to Lord Cartlesham than them.
  • Rope: A strong and sturdy rope.

When this proposal is enacted the Executor shall hide all Items listed above except for the Revolver in arbitrary Locations in the Manor. The Detective is given possession of the Revolver.


Simplify the inventory proposal by getting rid of the wiki and moving all Items to always being hidden.



20-01-2010 14:18:43 UTC

“If it rolls 1 then the Guest is granted possession of these Items”

What exactly are “these Items”?


Anyway, there’s a daily action grind going on here.

Kevan: he/him

20-01-2010 14:25:55 UTC

against Probably not a good idea for these to be compulsory GNDT rolls (if I ever roll a “1” on a DICE2, it will give away that one of the solitary guests now has an item), and it does seem a bit of a no-reason-not-to-do-this-every-day grind.

The Torch is interesting, but could use clarification on whether its owner sees who performed an action, or just that the action was performed. (It’s also a little odd that nobody else can tell who’s carrying it, or even that it’s being used at all.)

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2010 15:08:57 UTC

against for the daily grinding.


20-01-2010 15:15:56 UTC


Josh: he/they

20-01-2010 15:29:30 UTC



20-01-2010 15:55:10 UTC



20-01-2010 16:46:48 UTC



20-01-2010 17:54:21 UTC



20-01-2010 19:01:34 UTC



20-01-2010 19:05:09 UTC



20-01-2010 22:06:57 UTC


Darknight: he/him

20-01-2010 23:56:24 UTC



21-01-2010 01:07:12 UTC

against too much work for the Executor, too


21-01-2010 18:22:18 UTC



21-01-2010 21:26:25 UTC



22-01-2010 05:10:23 UTC

against s/k for speed