Proposal: Of course you know, this means war!
Can’t reach quorum with 8 votes against, without a change of vote. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 Jan 2011 05:21:00 UTC
Part 1:
Add a dynastic rule entitled “Color”, with text as follows:
Each Ant has exactly one Color, which is either “Red” (which may be abbreviated “R”) or “Black” (which may be abbreviated “B”) and which cannot be changed. Each Ant’s Color is to be tracked in the GNDT. New Ants are assigned the Color that is the opposite of the color of the Ant that was listed the lowest in the GNDT table immediately prior to that new Ant becoming active. If an Ant has a Color, becomes idle and then de-idles, that Ant has the same Color that he had immediately prior to becoming idle.
Part 2:
Upon the enactment of this Rule, each Ant then listed in the GNDT acquires a Color as follows: the Ant listed first in the GNDT table becomes Red, the next becomes Black, and so on alternating down the GNDT table until each Ant is assigned a Color.
The idea being that the number of Red and Black Ants ought to be as equal as practicable, at least at the outset.