Off the Field
This may not be so relevant anymore, but how can we accurately phrase this?
∀x (x ∈ {hon. members} ↔ x ∈ {possible winners})
Something like “No rule can make the set of possible winners unequal to the set of the Honourable Members.” But that must be removed from time; for example, we should allow a rule that defines victory as having 50 Credibility even though some Hon. Members couldn’t reach that because they’re Corrupt. Would a “in terms of the current Gamestate” help at all for name changes?
Just thinking out loud. Might be useful for core rules.
Before I say anything else, would someone be so kind as to bring me up to speed and explain why this sort of rules change has been proposed in several forms over the past few days? I feel like I would have a better chance at finding a good formulation of this rule or explaining why this might not work if I understood why this is necessary.