Okay, this has clearly become absurd
The demise of Proposal: Well, That Shortened the Queue has, I think, exposed the current Pace setup as being non-functional. I think the options are:
- Scrap it and go back to normal
- Keep the durations as they are but remove all out-of-order enactment or failure provisions, and chalk this up as a permanent indictment of the speedy veto
- Keep the current arrangements, but find a better way to make dependency links more flexible around early resolution / reproposals
Anything else? Before putting up a proposal it would be good to get a sense as to how people feel about it.
Well, I’ve got a proposal ready that tries to reproduce “Well, That Shortened the Queue” in an explicit manner (yep, it’s long).
I’d remove the ability to enact proposals out of order, because ultimately it’s that that put us in this situation.
Failure out of order is a need if we keep this pace, in my opinion.