Proposal: Old Victories Do Not Stand
Reached quorum and passed, 12-0. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jun 2012 14:45:43 UTC
Add a new Dynastic rule to the Ruleset. Call it “Clean Slate” and give it the following text:
Time Monks moving into any Dynasty prior to Dynasty 100 in which they were a player when the Dynasty was originally active enter said Dynasty as if they were a new player. Previous accomplishments in said Dynasty have no applicability to the Time Monk. If the Time Monk was the Victor, this is not a basis upon which a DoV may be made win a Victory for that Dynasty. The Time Monk must go about the required tasks for Victory starting from a clean slate. If the Time Monk has previously traveled to a Dynasty in which they were originally active, they do not lose anything that they gained during previous voyages.
My first proposal! I’m pretty sure I bungled the wording here. Any suggestions on how to rectify it?