Proposal: On the bonnie bonnie banks o’ loch nerfdom
Timed out and passed, 6-0 with two unresolved DEFs. Josh
Adminned at 11 Apr 2012 00:42:42 UTC
Replace the description of the Instituion called “The Bank” (if it exists) with
When a Player Influences The Bank, they gain C + X/2 Credits (rounded up), where X is the number of other Players who Directed at least one Credit to the Bank that Cycle and C is the number of Credits the Player who Influenced The Bank Directed at The Bank that Cycle.
Something in-between what we currently have (which apparently makes the bank worthless) and its second form (which I guess people didn’t like because it caused too much inflation).
This way, the only harm in bidding on the bank is you’ll give some credits to whoever wins it. This is still far less powerful than the original bank IMO, and makes it most likely the best money gaining source, which is realyl should be.
Kevan: he/him