Friday, January 31, 2025

Proposal: On The Run From The Law

Less than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1-4 by Brendan.

Adminned at 01 Feb 2025 22:13:17 UTC

Add a new rule called “The Law {I}” with the following text:

Search is an atomic action that must have a Suspect selected when it is performed and has the following steps:
* Remove the Suspicious Characteristic from that selected Suspect, if they have it.
* Roll DICE40 with “Search” and the name of that selected Suspect in the comment of that roll.
* If the result of that roll is less than that selected Suspect’s Triumphs, that Suspect gains the Running Characteristic.

A Participant with the Running Characteristic is said to be On The Run.

Add a subrule to “The Law {I}” called “Escaping Justice {I}” with the following text:

A Participant that is On The Run cannot attempt to Retire.

If there is a quorum of non-Mastermind Participants that are On The Run, and there is one Participant with the most Triumphs among all Retired Participants, that Participant has achieved victory.

In the rule “Heists {I}” add the following text as a new paragraph:

Whenever a Participant succeeds at a Heist Action, they gain the Suspicious Characteristic, if they don’t already have it.

In the rule “The Law {I}”, add a subrule named “Searching {I}” with the following text:

At any time, a Participant may perform a Search with another Participant selected as the Suspect, provided that the selected Participant meets all of the following criteria:
* Not a Mastermind
* Not On The Run
* Not Retired
* Has the Suspicious Characteristic
* Has not been selected as the Suspect of a Search since the last time that selected Participant lost a Target


My idea for the bounty. Actively getting more Triumphs increases your chances of successfully Retiring, but also increases your chances of going On The Run. People with more Triumphs are both better positioned to win but also more likely to get set back from winning. It’s possible for a lucky Participant with low Triumphs, or those who keep getting bad luck, to successfully Retire and wind up outlasting the leaders and winning. It’s up to someone else to add a way to get Participants out of Running.

Suggestions on the dice roll number and dollar sign protections are welcome.



31-01-2025 20:42:03 UTC

The Law appears to not do anything? It’s a publicly tracked number but you haven’t specified any way to change it nor anything that cares about it.

This rule allows us to continue heisting from jail, which a) seems like a good thing balance-wise but b) is weird flavour-wise.

Mutable rules can’t contain victory conditions. You could probably safely make that rule immutable (given that it’s guarding actions that change mutable variables, which could presumably be changed by other means).

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 20:46:09 UTC

I think this reveals an issue with the bullet-point list at the end of Teams and Targets—“any Participant… may perform the following actions” is not the same as “may perform all the following actions.” The “may” and the lack of “all” makes it easy to argue that you can pick and choose which you perform.

Is the only way to get out of being Jailed, under this proposal, via text-hacking?

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 20:53:17 UTC

I’ve changed “Escaping Justice” to be Immutable and changed the names to better fit the flavor of a Participant whose can still perform Heists while being On The Run.

The only way now to get out of being On The Run is to add a way to change that Mutable variable Running, which I am intentionally leaving up to someone else’s Proposal.

Josh: he/they

31-01-2025 20:54:08 UTC

You could cut a bunch of words out of this by using Reputations.


31-01-2025 20:55:01 UTC

The flavour change of Jailed to On The Run is good. I think that, as written, you can reset the entire list by idling, which probably isn’t intended (it’s a “list of participants”, if you idle, it’s no longer a list of participants). Reinitialisation probably doesn’t work, because the list isn’t personal gamestate, but I’m not sure. (Text-hacking does work because it’s explicitly defined as mutable.)

@Brendan: it says “may perform the following actions simultaneously” which certainly reads to me like you have to perform all of them. The “may” is that you may choose not to perform any, if you wish.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 20:57:03 UTC

@Josh: I thought about using Reputations, but I didn’t want to make that become the dumping ground for all sorts of unrelated states. However, if that’s preferred for rule conciseness, I’m willing to make the edits.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 21:00:23 UTC

I guess it would have the additional benefit of being manipulated (eventually) through the Reputations rule. I’m warming up to the idea of turning Running into another Reputation but would like to get a sense of support for it before making the edits.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 21:22:17 UTC

As a loss-averse person in general, I’m planning to vote against this. Being randomly punished for trying to play the game, or even being randomly assigned to the same team as someone else who plays it, and needing to get a quorum of other players to agree with you just to have a mechanism of removing that punishment?  That sounds incredibly dispiriting.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 21:26:48 UTC

Not a fan of push-your-luck games, or is it the fact that your risk is tied to the actions of your team, which cannot materially control?

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 21:30:38 UTC

I’ll think on how to remove the risk so that it’s only taken by those who actually performed Heists. I still think there’s some value in press-your-luck, deciding how successful you want to try to be before locking in your successes.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 21:49:50 UTC

Alright, I reduced this down to some Characteristics and put the risk only on those who had successful Heist Actions, which resets each time you are Searched.

It’s still “you could be punished for playing the game” but honestly, in a theme of thieves pulling off Heists of the laws themselves, it just feels right. Sorry, Brendan.


31-01-2025 22:03:05 UTC

The Searches need to happen after, rather than during, the scoring. Otherwise, you would have to perform two atomic actions simultaneously in order to score, which is not allowed. (That would also reduces the chance that a scoring attempt would fail due to processing the side effects incorrectly.)

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 22:17:09 UTC

Fixed, now it’s a separate action, performed by any one Participant against any other who fits the criteria, and reset on the selected Participant losing a target (keeping up with the latest in synchronization).

Brendan: he/him

01-02-2025 05:15:31 UTC

against As above.

SingularByte: he/him

01-02-2025 07:16:34 UTC

against  I’m with Brendan on this one. It would suck to be doing well all dynasty, only to lose to a dice roll.

JonathanDark: he/him

01-02-2025 12:57:25 UTC

I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how to meet ais’ criteria of giving a reasonable chance to those who have otherwise participated in the dynasty but have had bad luck and thus lower Triumphs. It’s a tough ask.


01-02-2025 15:29:41 UTC

One possibility would be to give future Triumphs a larger impact than past Triumphs. It’s possible that Reinitialisation solves the problem on its own, though.


01-02-2025 17:23:58 UTC

against per the above one dice roll shouldn’t be able to screw you over

Josh: he/they

01-02-2025 22:11:30 UTC
