Friday, July 24, 2015

Proposal: Onboarding

Passes 5-0. Enacted 22:56 by Tantusar.

Adminned at 24 Jul 2015 22:56:48 UTC

This Proposal does nothing if the Proposal “Initial Calibration” failed.

Add a rule, “Scientist’s Notes”:

Any Rat, including the Head Scientist, may include a Scientist’s Note in a Proposed Rule, prefaced as such and in italics, which may include an example or other explanatory text. When the containing Proposal is enacted, the Scientist’s Note should be included, verbatim, in the relevant part of the Dynastic Rules. A Scientist’s Note should not contain flavour justifications or any other text irrelevant to the Rule it is in. While a Scientist’s Note does not have any actual bearing on the Rules, it may be used in the case that the intended meaning of a Rule is brought into question.

Add to the rule “Scientist’s Notes”:

Scientist’s Note: This is an example of a correctly formatted Scientist’s Note

Add a subrule, “Movement”, to the rule “The Maze”:

As a Daily Action, a Rat may change their Position to be up to X Cells away from their current Position, where X is the amount of Cheese that Rat has. Rats may not move through walls, but may move from A4 to G4 (and vice versa) or from D1 to D7 (and vice versa).

Scientist’s Note: For example, movement from B1 to B2 would require movement through A1, A2, A3 and B3, in that order.

Why am I adding a rule and then changing it immediately afterward? So that Scientist’s Notes are legal before I need to make one. Enactment if a Proposal, of course, occurs in the order it appears, and… Basically, that’s how it has to happen.


Kevan: he/him

24-07-2015 10:27:43 UTC

Italics get included in enacted rules anyway, don’t they? We had “italic text doesn’t count” in the ruleset a hundred years ago, but decided it was a bad idea.

for Although as I understand this, I could still move from B1 to B2 on one bite of Cheese, because I’d still be changing my position to a Cell “1 Cell away” from B1, even though I’d meandered around some walls?

Tantusar: he/they

24-07-2015 10:34:10 UTC

Well, it’s fixable. At least there’s no reason to move yet.

Josh: he/they

24-07-2015 12:22:28 UTC


Darknight: he/him

24-07-2015 12:27:54 UTC


redtara: they/them

24-07-2015 18:21:54 UTC

> Enactment if a Proposal, of course, occurs in the order it appears

Ehhhh… not in the rules!


Tantusar: he/they

24-07-2015 22:27:41 UTC

I’d thought there… Huh.