Proposal: One-eyed Bandits
quorum reached. Passed 6-1.—Clucky
Adminned at 28 Feb 2008 13:22:38 UTC
Add a new rule called “Slot Machines” to the rule set. Give it the following text:
As a daily action, a player may wager a positive amount of money on the slot machines. To do this, he decreases his money by X where X is a positive integer value, called his wager. A player may not wager more money than he actually has.
The player doing the wager then rolls a DICE10 DICE10 DICE10. These three dice are called the first slot, second slot and third slot respectively.
If the second slot and the third slot are the same number, but the first slot is not, the player gains X * Y money where X was his wager and Y was the value of the matching pair in the dice rolls.
If all three slots show the same number, the player gets 10 * X * Y money where X was his wager and Y was the value of the matching triplet in the dice rolls.
Jack: Idle
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