Friday, January 31, 2025

Proposal: One Last Score

Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 01 Feb 2025 07:15:02 UTC

Create a new rule entitled “The Chop {I}” as follows:

A Chop is a Heist Action that is a Weekly Action and a Daily Communal Action and which can only be performed by a Participant if and only if they have the Retired Characteristic. When making the DICE48 roll for a Chop, the Participant making that roll must name a number of distinct Participants in alphabetical order. The Payout Point for a Chop is equal to twice the sum of the Triumphs of all Participants named in its Heist Action roll. If the result of a Chop roll is greater than the Payout Point for that Chop, then that Chop Heist Action fails.

If the Chop Heist Action succeeds, the result of its roll also selects one of that Chop’s named Participants as its Winner when making that roll. The selection of said Winner is as follows:

  1. In alphabetical order by name, each Participant named in the Chop is assigned a range of contiguous integers for that Chop from X to Y, inclusive.
  2. For the alphabetically first named Participant in a Chop, their X is 1; for each subsequent named Participant in that Chop, that Participant’s X is equal to the the Y of the previously named Participant in that Chop, plus one.
  3. For each named Participant in a Chop, their Y is equal to twice that Participant’s number of Triumphs, plus their X, minus one.
  4. If the result of the Chop Heist Action roll falls within the range of one of the Participants named in that Chop, then that Participant is that Chop’s Winner.

(In other words, in a Chop between hypothetical Participants who in alphabetical order have 2 Triumphs, 3 Triumphs, and 1 Triumph respectively: a Chop roll result between 1 and 4 would select the first Participant in that Chop as its Winner; a result between 5 and 10 would select the second Participant in that Chop as its Winner; and a result of 11 or 12 would select the third Participant in that Chop as its Winner. Any other result would mean that the Chop Heist Action failed.)

The Winner of a successful Chop Action has achieved victory in the current dynasty.

Bounty attempt one.


SingularByte: he/him

31-01-2025 18:39:13 UTC

I really don’t feel like we’re at the point of allowing any player to end the dynasty as a daily action.

Josh: he/they

31-01-2025 18:45:50 UTC

I’ll DEF on this as I feel that’s the right thing to do when discussing endgame mechanics while Emperor, but I do think that this dynasty isn’t quite in a place where I think a chop is a desirable outcome. I’d support it more if you had to be Retired in order to do the action.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 18:50:44 UTC

That’s sensible. Adjusted per Josh.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 19:12:21 UTC

I also need some convincing that a Chop is the right thing to do at this point.


31-01-2025 19:16:21 UTC

I haven’t seen “weekly action and daily communal action” before, but I think it works rules-wise?

I think that this may be too likely to work, on the basis that you can try it multiple times. (For example, a 1 in 3 chance – 8 Triumphs – becomes better than 50-50 if you can try it twice.) Two players with 4 Triumphs each can try this four times in a row, on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, gaining a better than 75% chance for one of them to win. This makes me suspect that with the current numbers, it will cause the game to devolve into small pools spamming victory attempts as soon as they manage to retire, something that could probably be fixed by making the Payout Points smaller or increasing the size of the dice.


31-01-2025 19:22:33 UTC

But I agree with JonathanDark that giving a way for pooling to, in effect, do a mantle roll is probably not a good fit for this dynasty. We’ve spent many dynasties trying to get rid of everything that could potentially be traded for pool participation, in an attempt to avoid the series of “pool and mantle-roll” endings that plagued BlogNomic semi-recently. Even so, players have been creative in trying to find things to trade for pools (e.g. the reason this dynasty is a coregency is that Josh and Habanero added coregency rules to have something to trade a pool for, and the resulting rule ended up triggering by accident when I scammed a win). We may now have reached the point at which “add a pooling reward by proposal” is the best remaining non-dynasty-specific option, and that makes me more inclined to vote against proposals that attempt to add one.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 19:39:20 UTC

As politely as I can put this: ais, did you consider comparing the proposal to your own explicit bounty criteria before focusing on whether it seemed too achievable by some arbitrary and unstated metric? Small pools of players having comparatively good odds versus large pools is specifically relevant to the last bullet in your bounty post.

As far as dynastic fit goes, this proposal puts into ludic terms the idea of one conspirator getting away from a risky veteran-led heist with all the loot. That’s a classic heist story trope. I’m mystified by the idea that it is not sufficiently thematic.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 19:50:22 UTC

I don’t agree with the suppositions behind your dice math, by the way. This proposal doesn’t remove the Retired requirement for declaring victory. You’re proposing that these two 4-Triumph players are either both successfully Retired already—which is a very expensive and risky action in terms of time and Triumphs, and which no one has even attempted yet—or only one of them is retired, in which case the other would still have to successfully retire after winning the Chop in order to declare victory. With 4 Triumphs, at 1-in-20 odds, and which can only be attempted as yet another Heist Action. Victory is nowhere near anyone’s reach.

Brendan: he/him

31-01-2025 19:52:26 UTC

(At 4-in-20 odds, rather.)

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 20:44:43 UTC

I have proposed an alternative for the bounty.


31-01-2025 20:48:20 UTC

@Brendan: My last bullet point was about pools versus solo, not about large pools versus small pools.

I agree that the numbers here scale in the right sort of way – my concern is about the absolute size of them, not the way in which they scale.


31-01-2025 22:58:22 UTC

Once someone retires, they can reduce their Triumphs to 0 and perform this action having their X be 1 and their Y be 1 + (0 * 2) - 1 = 0. If they do so with the Double Agent, the DICE48 is skipped, the result is 0 (which is not greater than the Payout Point of 0), and they win instantly. against

SingularByte: he/him

31-01-2025 23:03:48 UTC

against  As Habanero, and because I feel chops should be a last resort for a struggling dynasty.


31-01-2025 23:38:32 UTC

against Good catch by Habanero.

JonathanDark: he/him

31-01-2025 23:39:21 UTC

against nice catch indeed

Brendan: he/him

01-02-2025 05:14:31 UTC

against Withdrawn.