Proposal: One Last Score
Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte
Adminned at 01 Feb 2025 07:15:02 UTC
Create a new rule entitled “The Chop {I}” as follows:
A Chop is a Heist Action that is a Weekly Action and a Daily Communal Action and which can only be performed by a Participant if and only if they have the Retired Characteristic. When making the DICE48 roll for a Chop, the Participant making that roll must name a number of distinct Participants in alphabetical order. The Payout Point for a Chop is equal to twice the sum of the Triumphs of all Participants named in its Heist Action roll. If the result of a Chop roll is greater than the Payout Point for that Chop, then that Chop Heist Action fails.
If the Chop Heist Action succeeds, the result of its roll also selects one of that Chop’s named Participants as its Winner when making that roll. The selection of said Winner is as follows:
- In alphabetical order by name, each Participant named in the Chop is assigned a range of contiguous integers for that Chop from X to Y, inclusive.
- For the alphabetically first named Participant in a Chop, their X is 1; for each subsequent named Participant in that Chop, that Participant’s X is equal to the the Y of the previously named Participant in that Chop, plus one.
- For each named Participant in a Chop, their Y is equal to twice that Participant’s number of Triumphs, plus their X, minus one.
- If the result of the Chop Heist Action roll falls within the range of one of the Participants named in that Chop, then that Participant is that Chop’s Winner.
(In other words, in a Chop between hypothetical Participants who in alphabetical order have 2 Triumphs, 3 Triumphs, and 1 Triumph respectively: a Chop roll result between 1 and 4 would select the first Participant in that Chop as its Winner; a result between 5 and 10 would select the second Participant in that Chop as its Winner; and a result of 11 or 12 would select the third Participant in that Chop as its Winner. Any other result would mean that the Chop Heist Action failed.)
The Winner of a successful Chop Action has achieved victory in the current dynasty.
Bounty attempt one.
SingularByte: he/him
I really don’t feel like we’re at the point of allowing any player to end the dynasty as a daily action.