Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Proposal: One Person, One Veto

Self killed- DK

Adminned at 29 Jan 2021 05:47:19 UTC

Remove “Moreover, a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule is not Popular while it has any AGAINST votes.” from “Treaties [Universal]”, and add a new paragraph to it:-

Emperors may use VETO as a voting icon to cast a Vote on a Proposal that creates or modifies a Universal rule; when an Emperor casts a vote of VETO on such a Proposal, this renders the Proposal Vetoed, even if the Emperor later changes their Vote on it.

May as well make this a regular veto and play up the all-Emperor theme. I like the idea that we can win objectors around, but having to wait for these to time out seems unnecessary - Emperors can still vote AGAINST and threaten to veto later.



27-01-2021 15:22:50 UTC


Brendan: he/him

27-01-2021 16:00:36 UTC



27-01-2021 17:04:45 UTC



27-01-2021 17:10:03 UTC

Waitasec, whether a proposal modifies a Universal rule isn’t always guaranteed either way while people are voting.

For example, I think this this disables the safety clause, “If this proposal has no AGAINST votes, additionally modify Treaties [Universal] as follows:”

Or the proposal might attempt to modify a Universal rule that is repealed after the veto but before enactment - is it still vetoed?

Kevan: he/him

27-01-2021 18:27:12 UTC

Hum, true.

Clucky: he/him

27-01-2021 18:34:07 UTC


Because it removes the ability to convince people to change their AGAINST votes on universal proposals

Clucky: he/him

27-01-2021 18:34:36 UTC

if you think that ability is something we shouldn’t have, feel free to try and convince me I’m wrong =D

Kevan: he/him

27-01-2021 19:06:12 UTC

True, it’s an interesting mechanic - it just leaves us hanging pointlessly when someone is actually fully against something and won’t change their mind, and we have to wait 48 hours.

Maybe we should have a two-option system where AGAINST means “I’m blocking this for now, convince me” and VETO means “I’m actually vetoing this”.

Clucky: he/him

27-01-2021 21:49:40 UTC

I think a simpler solution would be to just declare a proposal unpopular if someone votes against it, rather than simply say it cannot be popular.

That way, it can still fail at the appropriate time. But a single veto doesn’t irrevocably kill things.


27-01-2021 22:36:55 UTC


Darknight: he/him

28-01-2021 02:33:29 UTC


Kevan: he/him

28-01-2021 09:46:51 UTC

against, anyway.

Lulu: she/her

29-01-2021 00:15:23 UTC


Darknight: he/him

29-01-2021 05:44:18 UTC
