Proposal: One shot at transfer mechanics
Timed out 1 vote to 4 with 2 unresolved DEFERENTIAL votes and an abstention from the Net. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 04 Apr 2012 06:51:55 UTC
Add a new institution, named “Notary Public”, its description reading:
A Player who has Influenced the Notary Public during the Previous Cycle may, as many times as they want, propose a Transfer of Resources. A proposal of Transfer of Resources is a blog post which Title begins with the text “Transfer of Resources with X”, where X is the name of another Player. The post must describes the transfer, which consists in a list of positive amounts of resources to be transfered from the proposer to X or from X to the proposer. The proposal of Transfer of Resources is considered pending until either X has stated in a comment to the post that they agree with the transfer, or X has stated in a comment to the post that they disagree with the transfer, or the cycle ends. A Player may only agree or disagree with a Transfer of Resources if it is pending. When the cycle ends, just after Players have restocked, if X has agreed with the transfer, then the gamestate is edited accordingly (provided the proposed changes are legal). If X has disagreed or the Cycle has ended without X expressing neither their agreement nor their disagreement in a comment to the post, then the transfer is unsuccessful and nothing happens.
Stealing the Galatea’s resources would require influencing both the 96189 Pygmalion and the Notary Public. I don’t know whether that’s too powerful or not.
Josh: Imperator he/they