Monday, April 02, 2012

Proposal: One shot at transfer mechanics

Timed out 1 vote to 4 with 2 unresolved DEFERENTIAL votes and an abstention from the Net. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 04 Apr 2012 06:51:55 UTC

Add a new institution, named “Notary Public”, its description reading:

A Player who has Influenced the Notary Public during the Previous Cycle may, as many times as they want, propose a Transfer of Resources. A proposal of Transfer of Resources is a blog post which Title begins with the text “Transfer of Resources with X”, where X is the name of another Player. The post must describes the transfer, which consists in a list of positive amounts of resources to be transfered from the proposer to X or from X to the proposer. The proposal of Transfer of Resources is considered pending until either X has stated in a comment to the post that they agree with the transfer, or X has stated in a comment to the post that they disagree with the transfer, or the cycle ends. A Player may only agree or disagree with a Transfer of Resources if it is pending. When the cycle ends, just after Players have restocked, if X has agreed with the transfer, then the gamestate is edited accordingly (provided the proposed changes are legal). If X has disagreed or the Cycle has ended without X expressing neither their agreement nor their disagreement in a comment to the post, then the transfer is unsuccessful and nothing happens.

Stealing the Galatea’s resources would require influencing both the 96189 Pygmalion and the Notary Public. I don’t know whether that’s too powerful or not.


Josh: Imperator he/they

02-04-2012 16:18:04 UTC

against Whenever this rule appears it ends up getting used in a scam.


02-04-2012 16:34:33 UTC

against broken due to double negative (“without X expressing neither”)


02-04-2012 16:45:12 UTC

imperial I’m not opposed to transfer inherently here - I’ll leave it to others to see if there are problems with the wording.


02-04-2012 16:58:28 UTC

against I’m not at all confident that this would function as intended, and as Josh said it opens up the possibility of two losing players who conclude that they both have less than 50% odds of winning flipping a coin and giving all their resources to the winner, which is an unsatisfying end.

Kevan: he/him

02-04-2012 18:37:58 UTC

against Also opens up the more mundane tactic of, once you’ve successfully Influenced the Notary, just asking a few idle players to join the game and give you their Credits.


02-04-2012 20:31:33 UTC


Soviet Brendon:

03-04-2012 06:01:00 UTC
