Proposal: One Way Out
Reached quorum and enacted, 8-1. Josh
Adminned at 04 Jun 2023 21:17:32 UTC
Add the following new dynastic rules:
Tier 4: Protoplasmic Quantum Soup
Each Mindjacker has a quality of Matterium, which is a publicly tracked integer that defaults to zero.
Tier 5: Hypersquid Sonic Waveform Ocean
Once in the dynasty, as a communal action, a Mindjacker may spend 5 Matterium to remove the phrase “The rest of the text in this rule is flavour text” from the rule Tier 9: The True Realty.
Tier 6: The Wall
A Mindjacker may not carry out any dynastic action defined in the rules and subrules with a Tier Level of 1, 2, 3, or 4.
Tier 7: Inverted Tesselation Grid
A Mindjacker may not cast a vote of AGAINST on any proposal.
Tier 8: Non-Euclidan N-Dimentional Spectrum
As a daily action a Mindjacker may increase their Matterium by 1.
Tier 9: The True Realty
The rest of the text in this rule is flavour text. Each Mindjacker whose Level is 9 or higher has achieved victory.
Some core dynastic concept stuff: ascend to reality and win, but it gets harder, and you may find that you need to ascend and descend selectively to avoid creating too many ripples.
I don’t get the tier names, except for 9.
And I would prefer to see the higher levels built up gradually.