Proposal: Ooh, look at all these buttons
Passes 9-1. - Qwazukee
Adminned at 12 Jun 2009 20:47:32 UTC
Add a subrule to rule 2.3 called “Taking Over the Controls”, with the following text:
Any Insider who has been in the Control Room continuously for 6 hours can do filming as if he was the Host. This is only legal if the Host could legally do filming at that moment; and it counts as the Host’s filming for that day. For the purpose of rules such as ‘Putting Luck to Good Use’, the random dice rolls rolled by that Insider in order to do filming as if he was the Host count as rolls by that Contestant, not as rolls by the Host.
So you can use your Luck in order to bias the chances of filming a particular room. And film for me when I’m offline. For all I know, many of the buttons up here have an effect on which cameras work; maybe we’ll even find cameras that we didn’t know were there! There’s no manual, though, so you pretty much have to press buttons at random and hope. Don’t worry if you end up doing the voiceover by mistake; our video editors are very good, they’ll make you sound like me on the broadcast.