Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Proposal: Operations

Withdrawn. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 Oct 2021 18:22:42 UTC

Add the following to the end of the rule Zoning:

Each Zone has a level of Damage; a Zone may be Operational, Compromised, Damaged, or Wrecked. By default, a Zone is Compromised. Each Zone’s Damage is tracked by appending its Damage Level to the end of its title as a Floor Marker.

Whenever a Citizen or the Drone causes the Damage of a Zone to change they should change its Floor Marker accordingly.

A Zone’s Damage Level is defined as follows:

Operational: A Zone may only be made Operational through the completion of criteria set out in its Zone Rule.
Compromised: A Zone is Compromised by default; if no other Damage conditions are true then the Floor is Compromised.
Damaged: A Zone is Damaged if it is Shorted Out.
Wrecked: A Zone is Wrecked if a Copbot Swarm is present.

Add the following as a Zone Rule to the rule Surveillance System:

Security Desk: This Zone becomes Operational if it would otherwise be Compromised and there are no Copbot Swarms present in any Zones.


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

05-10-2021 14:35:04 UTC

Just a thought, but maybe damaged == either copbot or shorted out, compromised == both? Seems decent to me otherwise.

Kevan: he/him

05-10-2021 21:23:57 UTC

It’s possible for a Zone to become both Damaged and Wrecked, both Damaged and Operational, or even Operational and Damaged and/or Wrecked (if Surveillance System is made Operational and later Shorted Out, and Copbots later arrive), isn’t it?

Two the Damage statuses being “yes there are Copbots here” and “yes there are two Breakers here” does make it sound like these might work better as entities in the Tower Table.



05-10-2021 22:03:52 UTC

Can you give an example of what a Zone’s title would look like if it’s, say, Operational and Damaged? I’m not sure I understand the phrase “end of its title as a floor marker”.


05-10-2021 22:06:54 UTC

At the present, only floors can be shorted out. It makes sense to say it has a swarm present in a zone, but if a floor in the zone is shorted, I wouldn’t call the zone shorted.

Kevan: he/him

05-10-2021 22:12:24 UTC

Oh, ignore the second paragraph of my comment, I’d mixed up Floors and Zones there.

[TyGuy6] I think “a Zone may be Operational, Compromised, Damaged, or Wrecked” strongly implies an exclusive or: a Zone can only be one of these things at a time.


05-10-2021 22:20:36 UTC

Ok, well, I still the question of what it looks like to represent any one of them.


05-10-2021 22:24:07 UTC

And I wasn’t referring to your comment, but to the proposal. It says if a zone is shorted out it’s damaged, but a zone can’t be shorted out, only floors.

lemon: she/her

05-10-2021 22:31:41 UTC

against i like it, but it definitely needs fixing

Josh: Mastermind he/they

05-10-2021 22:32:13 UTC

The shorted out bit is a mistake. The tag would be identical in effect to a floor tag; i.e. [Damaged]

Wording could use tightening up on this; I don’t think it’s exploitable but it does need a redraft.  against Withdrawn; I don’t intend to repropose, so if anyone else wants to do the premise up then feel free.

Trapdoorspyder: he/him

06-10-2021 01:07:18 UTC

against Neat concept but some fundamental errors.