Proposal: Opt In To Play
Reached quorum, 4-1 with 1 DEF and Puzzle Master voting AGAINST. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 13 Sep 2024 14:39:38 UTC
In the rule “Turns”, replace the text “At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn.” with the following text:
Turn Completed is a publicly tracked list of the names of Puzzlers, defaulting to a list containing the names of all Puzzlers whose name is not in the Turn Order. At any time during a Puzzler’s Turn, as an atomic action they may remove their name from the start of the Turn Order and add it to the end of the Turn Completed, at which point it is no longer that Puzzler’s Turn. At any time, a Puzzler whose name is not in either the Turn Order or Turn Completed may add their name to the end of the Turn Completed.
and in the same rule, replace the text “any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order by randomly arranging the names of all Puzzlers and setting that list to be the new Turn Order” with the following text:
any Puzzler may generate a new Turn Order as an atomic action by randomly arranging the names in the Turn Completed, setting the Turn Order to a list of those randomly arranged names, and setting the Turn Completed to an empty list.
and in the same rule, after the text “that Puzzler’s name may be removed from the Turn Order by any other Puzzler” add the following text:
, but if the Turn Order becomes empty within 6 hours after this action was performed, the Turn Order may not be modified again until at least 6 hours after this action was performed.
This uses Kevan’s idea of an opt-in queue in the form of the Turn Completed. If a Puzzler is involuntarily removed from the Turn Order due to not finishing their turn, their name won’t be in the Turn Completed, and thus until they decide to come back to the game, they won’t be in the Turn Order the next time it is generated. This also takes care of newly unidled Puzzlers who need to get into the Turn Order at some point, but they have to actively participate in order to do so.
Clucky: he/him
A bit worried how this plays with the ” If it is a Puzzler’s Turn and their Coins have been 0 for the last 6 hours, and it has been at least 6 hours since the Turn Order was last modified”
I’m okay with the “you’re done sorry you can’t collect any more matches” but losing your whole next turn would be harsh