Proposal: Or Astrophil?
s-k. wouldn’t do anything. adminned by cayvie.
Adminned at 10 Dec 2005 12:30:06 UTC
Add an Impulse entitled “NOT X” to the ruleset, with the following text:
X is not a silly fellow.
Except replace both instances of X are with the name of a single Voice, who may not already have a rule proclaiming em not to be a silly fellow, of the enacting admin’s choosing.
If this cannot be done, do not enact the rest of this proposal.
Add the word “ROCKS” to the end of the most recently posted pending proposal at the time of this proposal’s enactment.
Delete the string $$$$ from the bottom of the Fortress of Cheese.
Do everything the proposal before this one in the queue would do if it were enacted.