Proposal: Order of Operations
Reached quorum, 7-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 08 Feb 2025 16:55:14 UTC
If the proposal “Round and Round” did not pass, then this proposal has no effect.
Add a subrule to the rule “Turns and Rounds”, titled “Turn Actions”:
If an action is defined as a Turn Action, it may only be taken by the Current Meeple, and may only be taken if they have not already taken that action since their turn last began. Turn Actions may have a numeric Phase (denoted as, for example, a “Phase 1 Turn Action”). Turn Actions may also be defined as Mandatory.
The Current Meeple may not take a particular Turn Action if they have already taken a Turn Action with a higher Phase since their turn last began, or if they have not yet taken a Mandatory Turn Action with a lower Phase since their turn last began.
If the Current Meeple does not have any Mandatory Turn Actions available to them, or if they have not yet taken any Turn Actions since their turn last began, then they may End a Turn.
Here’s a framework for how a Turn might be structured, with Meeples taking actions in a particular order defined by the rules. Actions with the same Phase can be taken in any order, and actions with no Phase can be taken at any time during a turn. Mandatory actions must be taken, unless you choose to do nothing and pass your turn. I considered adding a timeout on turns, but decided against it because as we’ve seen in previous turn-based dynasties it’s likely to just result in it becoming socially acceptable to wait out the timeout, slowing down the game.
ais523: Custodian
I wonder whether the fix to the timeout problem is to add an explicit penalty for timing out, rather than just skipping the turn. But I agree with you that it’s probably worth first trying to see if we can manage without one.