Proposal: Organization
Gives a way to make other people take risky actions, and thus move the game forward. It also provides for rotating leadership.
Reached quorum 3 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 31 Oct 2018 16:02:46 UTC
Create a rule named “Orders”
An order has a name, and a requirement. An activist for whom the requirement is true has “fulfilled” the requirement.
Valid orders are:
* Change Activity to [X]: The Activist’s activity is [X], where [X] is a valid activity
* Photograph: The Activist has performed the “Take Photos” action sometime in the dynasty
Create a rule named “Suspicion”
Each activist has an amount of suspicion, tracked in the GNDT and defaulting to zero. Suspicion represents the suspicion other rebels have about the activist.
If an Activist has proven their Loyalty to Peace or Violence, they may reduce their Suspicion to zero at any time.
Create a rule named “The Speaker”
If the same Activist has been the speaker for 48 hours or more, any Activist may change the Speaker to be a random Activist by stating in a comment in the GNDT
Once per 48 hours, an activist who is the speaker may make a “Command” by making a blog with exactly one activists name and the name of exactly one valid order. The activist named in the blog post may “comply” with the Command by posting a comment with the text “command completed!” if they fulfill the order’s requirement. If they make a comment with “command denied” or do not comply with the command within 48 hours, they have rejected the command and gain 1 suspicion.
Kevan: he/him
I’m wary of rules that purport to reflect how players currently think and feel about something, yet which use stats which aren’t directly editable by those players. Locking it to particular game actions can only put it out of step with how we’re actually feeling.
There’s nothing stopping anyone right now from saying “Trigon, get planning” or “Brendan, take that photo”, and anyone who declined would be rightly regarded with some suspicion. (But Brendan declining on the grounds that it’s not possible to take photos yet would, under this rule, give him 1 Suspicion which no player actually felt. Trigon switching to Planning and then switching to Sabotage the next morning, before we could call a meeting, would earn 0 Suspicion but some players might feel it.)