Osmosis Bug
In Rule 2.3, it says that:
An Earthling may undertake one of the Learning actions, listed as sub-rules to this rule, as a weekly action.
However, in Rule 2.3.1, it says:
An Earthling may Learn by Osmosis. An Earthling who does so may gain a copy of one skill possessed by another Earthling who is a member of the same Corporation as them. If an Earthling has more than 2 copies of a Skill, they may not gain further copies of that Skill through Learning by Osmosis.
So, I have the option of 1. Learning by Osmosis as a weekly action via Rule 2.3, or 2. Learning by Osmosis (no strings attached) via Rule 2.3.1. I take Option 2, multiple times. :D
Kevan: he/him
Not sure I understand your reasoning here. Surely the action of “Learn by Osmosis” is one of the three “Learning actions, listed as sub-rules to this rule”?