Proposal: ostracized, pun on ostrich… Tarred and Feathered…something with ostrich feathers? fix this later
Timed Out. Passes 5-0—Clucky
Adminned at 13 Mar 2021 19:25:14 UTC
Append to the second paragraph of the rule “Ethics of the Nobility” the following:
If an Elector’s Scandal is more than half their Political Power, that Elector is Ostracized.
As I’ve brought up a couple times, and as Josh pointed out on Slack today, Scandal doesn’t really do anything if you can just pass off all your power to someone who hasn’t incurred it. This makes things a little stickier.
Clucky: he/him
I’m think its fine to block transfers/maybe set heft to 0. But making them Ostracized makes it so that they don’t contribute to the heft of others as well. Which I think is probably too much punishment.