Proposal: Our Slightly Illustrious Recent Past
10-0, timed out. Enacted by Saurik.
Adminned at 23 Dec 2005 13:27:37 UTC
Adds Time Travel and a Silver Key.
Change the last sentence of the Rule entitled Actions from
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps.
Performing this Action adds 5 to a Protagonist’s Steps, unless otherwise indicated.
To the Description section of rule 2.4.1, add
An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room.
Add a Location entitled “The Fortress of Cheese” reading
Maximum Occupancy: Currently 18
Exits: The Ruins of The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key, adds 0 steps), The Brand New Gaming Room
Description: There are six rows of empty rooms, each row three deep. You can see walls made out of what is undoubtedly the finest and awesomest cheese. Even better, the cheese looks edible, as it’s not rotten. The air around seems magical, as if something special would occur if you said a certain word. An immovable metallic armchair with a silver keyhole on the left arm and buttons on the right arm is sitting about five metres south of the room
Add a Location entitled “The Brand New Gaming Room” reading
Maximum Occupancy: 1
Exits: The Fortress of Cheese
Description: This room is incredibly claustrophobic. A couch is in the corner of the room, but the only other furnishings include a chair and desk with plans for a perfect game.
Change the Exits of The Ruins of the Fortress of Cheese to
The Ancient Game Room, The Ominous Forest, The Fortress of Cheese (with Silver Key, adds 0 steps).
Add an Item entitled “Silver Key” with the following text:
Description: This key is silver. It looks as if it would fit into a silver keyhole in an armchair.
A Silver Key is untradeable.
Anyone who has ever written a history of a previous dynasty of Blognomic, and has not had their history deemed a shoddy job, may at any time change their current Item Held to a Silver Key, or to the second most recent Item Held if currently holding a Silver Key.