Proposal: Out of the blue
Vetoed on Ascension. —75th Trombone
Adminned at 13 Dec 2005 20:18:06 UTC
Switch the texts of the two most recent pending proposals. If this is impossible, the enacting admin of this proposal must add “Drat!” to the text of a proposal of eir choice.
Add an impulse named Madness!:
Voices may petition the Ego for randomness by making a post to that effect. A voice may only do this if e was not the last to do this, and if at least 24 hours have past since the last time such a petition was failed or passed.
All voices, barring Angel, Devil and Fred, may vote on this petition in the same way as ey would vote on proposals. Quorum is half the amount of eligible voters, rounded up. If the petition does not reach quorum in 48 hours, it fails.
If the petition reaches quorum within 48 hours, the Ego must roll a DICE5 and apply the appropriate effect:
* If the Ego rolls a 1, e must add a CHICKEN in the same sentence as another CHICKEN currently is. This CHICKEN may be moved just like the original CHICKEN.
* If the Ego rolls a 2, e must then roll a DICE3. A=DICEX, where X is the number of instincts (if e rolled a 1), impulses (2) or inclinations (3), after which e shall roll another DICE3. B=DICEY, rolled in the same manner as A (but adhering to the second DICE3). E must then delete the Ath instinct, impulse or inclination (as per the first DICE3) and add its text to the Bth instinct, impulse or inclination (as per the second DICE3)
* If the Ego rolls a 3, each voice may add an additional word to the end of the Sandbox. This must be done within 24 hours of the passing of the petition.
* If the Ego rolls a 4, e must move each value in the GNDT, except for the names, down one cell (the bottom values shall become the top values).
* If the Ego rolls a 5, e may remove the popehood of the current pope if there is one by removing eir name from this rule and make a voice of eir choice pope by adding eir name at the end of the rule that contains the sentence “Pie is yummy.”
Also, add an inclination named Divine right:
A Voice who cannot whisper to the Pope is papaphobic if e’s a silly fellow. Pie is yummy. If the name of a voice appears at the end of this rule, that voice is the pope.
I thought it’d be suitable if I made this up as I went along, so I did.
it’s only divine right