Proposal: Outposts
Quorums 1-7. — Quirck
Adminned at 17 Mar 2013 23:33:31 UTC
Enact a new rule entitled “Outposts”:
Each Sectors can have one Outpost. An Outpost in a Sector is said to be Stationed in the Sector. Every Outpost is tracked in the GNDT, with the Name of “Outpost” preceding a number, the Position of whatever Sector it is Stationed in, and all other Values defaulting to “-”. There are currently Outposts in the following Sectors:
- Earth
When a Captain is in a Sector in which an Outpost is Stationed, the Captain may, as an Activity, Sell Resources they have to the Outpost by transferring the desired Resources to the Outpost and gaining a number of Credits equal to the total Prices of all of the Resources Sold. The comment to the GNDT action to do so should include the calculation of the Price(s).
A Resource’s Price is equal to the total amount of the Resource in Ships divided by the current number of Sectors.
How about those Credits?