Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Overt Reactions

Add to Items:
A Snail may only carry 5 items at once. Any additional Items cannot be created or ordered while over this limit. Rocket Fuel ignores this.
Items can be marked as multiple by adding the number of them encased in parentheses after (example: Stomp Rocket, Stomp Rocket, Stomp Rocket, becomes Stomp Rocket (3).)
Add to Rocket Fuel:
This Item cannot be ordered.

anyway, this should be a decent fix for a longstanding issue, while also letting the crazed orderers get a free win.


JonathanDark: he/him

31-12-2024 04:31:27 UTC

Just be aware that the “Proposal” category was not checked for this, so this isn’t an official Proposal. In addition, at the time that you posted it, you were still idle, and thus not allowed to post a Proposal.

ais523: Custodian

31-12-2024 12:58:36 UTC

The wording of this is a bit broken – in particular, it prevents Snails ordering items for the next race while they still have items from the race before.

There’s already a limit of 10 orderable items; as such, if you want to reduce the limit, I suggest reducing it simply by changing the 10 to 5 in the second bullet point in “Races”.