Proposal: Overt Reagent Woman
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 09 Apr 2014 12:33:15 UTC
Add to the rule “Atomic Structure”
Electronegativity can be negative.
Create a new rule entitled “Reagents”
If it has been at least one day since any Atom has Added a Reagent, an Atom may Add a Reagent. A Reagent is an Atom that is not controlled by a human, and is an Atom for the purposes of Dynastic Rules only. Reagents do not get votes nor do they count towards quorum. A Reagent’s Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons are determined when it is Added. The Atom Adding the Reagent shall roll 8DICE5, subtract 24, and take the absolute value of the result to determine the number of Protons in the newly Added Reagent. If the result is 0 Protons, the Reagent is given 1 Proton instead. The Reagent has a number of Neutrons equal to its Protons. The Atom Adding the Reagent shall roll 4DICE3 and subtract 8 to determine the Charge of the new Reagent. The Reagent’s Electrons will be determined by subtracting its Charge from its Protons. If the result would make the Reagent’s Electrons a negative number, the Electrons are set to equal the number of Protons, and the Charge is 0 instead. Each new Reagent is listed on the Wiki page entitled “Reagents” and will not be tracked in the GNDT like other Atoms. Reagents will be named Reagent X, with X starting at 1 and increasing by 1 for each new Reagent Added. When an Atom is Adding a Reagent, they shall make a comment on the GNDT including the name of the Reagent and both of the necessary dice rolls, with no other information.
The format of each Reagent will be as follows:
Reagent X
Kevan: he/him