Thursday, March 20, 2025

Pace of Play

So far this dynasty, some of the main mechanics (e.g. Vocating) generally encouraging doing nothing most of the time, taking actions as rarely as the timer allows (in this case, once a week). That means that nothing is happening most of the time.

I’m making this post to check whether or not players are OK with that sort of pace – everyone might be fine with it, but possibly it might have happened accidentally without anyone really wanting it, and I can’t tell without asking.


JonathanDark: he/him

20-03-2025 15:04:55 UTC

It’s not the most optimal, but there’s always going to be this tension for timing.

For example, I liked the excitement of the Text Injection dynasty, but the need to execute actions at specific times for strategic advantage was sometimes a hassle.

The Thief Dynasty might be a good example of good pace of play. While the game loop itself could take days between each loop, there was player interaction within the loop, so it wasn’t boring.

We sort of have that here with Opportunities, with player interaction between the Be Productive loop, but it may not be enough. The game loop in this dynasty, for optimal play, is 7 days, and the Opportunities are mini-production for pay, at best.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-03-2025 15:08:53 UTC

Maybe if Be Productive was shortened and Opportunities tied more directly into the output of Be Productive, it might be more interesting.

For example, if Be Productive was 3 days instead of 7, keeping the same multipliers as we currently have, but Opportunities offered “bonuses” to those multipliers if you bid or trade some other tracked commodity with other players to get the bonuses, that might work.

Raven1207: he/they

20-03-2025 22:08:16 UTC

We could also modify the bid thing to close it sooner if everyone who doesn’t want to bid higher can opt out of it

Kevan: he/him

21-03-2025 13:14:34 UTC

Good to see a post like this. A more general mid-dynasty temperature check is probably something to encourage, rather than our usual approach of waiting for the post-mortem.

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